Scalabl partnered with Vix Technology in the following areas:
Creating clarity and visibility of portfolio priorities
Predictable and repeatable portfolio prioritisation and planning
Improving communication, coordination and visibility of dependencies across portfolio
Vix Technology
Vix Technology is an industry leader in transport ticketing, implementing and managing automated fare collection, payments, access and passenger information systems.
In order to ensure continued competitiveness in the market for its target customers, Vix made the strategic decision to move towards becoming a product-led organisation. As a global organisation, this cultural transition across locations has been challenging and requires persistent effort.
To ensure a consistent and predictable delivery approach, Vix was looking to create a single delivery process that is visible and simple to understand, has clear prioritisation, delivery commitments, metrics showing flow and WIP, and has product roadmap and strategy driving development.
In order to introduce a more holistic delivery approach, the Scalabl team led representatives from a cross-section of Vix’s delivery areas, including members from around the globe, to co-design and build an improved delivery model to address key pain points in the current process.
Leveraging the Scalabl team’s knowledge and expertise in business agility, the model was underpinned by seven core principles, defined with the Vix Technology context and applied with domain knowledge from Vix’s own capability.
Together, Scalabl and Vix Technology were able to design and implement core foundations for the adoption of the co-designed Pace Delivery Model.
Key results:
7x uplift in alignment
2.8x increase in clarity of priorities
4.3x improvement in focus
1. Creating clarity and visibility of portfolio priorities
Operating as a globally distributed company, one of the challenges Vix Technology faces is to maintain visibility and alignment on portfolio objectives across squads and regions.
An integral part of the Pace Delivery Model is the Single Portfolio View supported by regular check-ins accommodating multiple time zones. Providing shared visibility of prioritised outcomes and delivery progress towards them has improved the end-to-end outcome focus, support and coordination across squads.
The introduction of a single source of truth on portfolio priorities enabled more effective planning and decision-making across squads and the leadership team through planning and delivery cycles.
“There’s absolutely much better clarity on this cycle of quarterly planning...and that means we can generate some real outcomes and value for the business and our customers.”
2. Predictable and repeatable portfolio prioritisation and planning
As part of the Pace Delivery Model, a structured prioritisation mechanism with regular rhythm was introduced to maximise focus on the portfolio’s highest value and critical items.
Leveraging the Single Portfolio View to communicate these priorities, squads now have a consistent and current view of focussed outcomes.
To improve an outcome-based mindset, alignment and coordination across the portfolio, a structured and repeatable process for delivery planning on a quarterly basis was introduced. Catering for globally distributed squads, Scalabl partnered with Vix’s internal capability on establishing this new planning approach; providing consistency, visibility, alignment and effective leadership involvement for escalation decision making and support to move forward as one team.
“This is the first time I’ve had this level of information and early visibility to act and support our teams. This makes a huge difference, I feel empowered.”
3. Improving communication, coordination and visibility of dependencies across portfolio
Vix Technology has achieved improvements in communicating purpose, target outcomes and coordination of delivery capabilities across the portfolio.
Working with Scalabl, the team at Vix has undertaken improved planning and delivery practices with better collaboration and visibility of needs.
Leveraging Scalabl’s expertise in ways of working, Vix has taken to the new approach with enthusiasm, energy and a continuous improvement mindset to embed ownership of the new delivery model and drive safe, early visibility of challenges or issues to proactively manage to resolution.
Vix Technology has experienced improved results in planning and managing dependencies to better achieve customer outcomes.
Key Outcomes
Visibility and alignment of organisational objectives and goals
Co-created delivery model owned and driven by Vix colleagues
A shared Single Portfolio View of delivery and progress supported by regular stand-ups
A single list of portfolio priorities providing clarity and focus on the highest value items
Established repeatable processes for Quarterly Prioritisation and Planning
Involvement and engagement of squad members in building delivery plans connected to outcomes
Shared visibility of product and project delivery improving communication and expectation setting
Increased collaboration and coordination across squads
Greater connection to delivering customer needs in their context
Emphasis on continuous improvement, ownership and outcome focussed mindset
“Thanks, Scalabl team. It’s been great fun working with all of you and thanks for getting Vix on the right path to predictable delivery.
— Product Owner Team